November 05, 2018 3 min read

You spend three trimesters waiting for the baby to come and finally it happens. But nobody told you there’s a fourth trimester too, right? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Knowing about the fourth trimester aka the first three months after your baby is born, is your best bet to cope with this whirlwind phase of your life. So read on for the ten truths about the fourth trimester.
  1. Being a new mom is tiring. And it feels as if you never have enough time or enough rest. As your baby adjusts to a life outside your womb, she needs a lot of attention and hands-on care. And yes, she did not learn in the womb that nights are for sleeping. Say hello to sleepless nights.

    sleepless nights for new moms

  2. If you find doubting your motherhood skills and asking whether having a baby was a good decision, you are not alone in your thoughts. Most new moms go through this phase of self-doubt and the good news is, it goes away on its own pretty soon.

  3. All babies aren’t alike. So, there is no point in comparing your baby with a friend’s baby or even your own older child when she was a baby. Give some time and you will get used to your baby’s unique temperament.

    motherhood skills - Lovemere

  4. Be prepared for physical changes in your body. Vaginal bleeding, sore breasts, and oh yes, incontinence too! And just because the baby came out, your body will not automatically get back to its pre-pregnancy shape.

  5. Motherhood is a thankless job. During the fourth trimester, the baby is more like a machine that you need to feed at frequent intervals or else, it screams, and it produces poop and puke at a determined rate. And it doesn’t thank you for feeding and cleaning.

  6. Mother’s instinct is actually a thing. So listen to what others have to say, but trust your gut feeling when it comes to your precious bundle of joy. When in doubt, consult a doctor.

  7. Breastfeeding is not a cakewalk. And it does not come naturally to everybody. But, that does not mean you are any less of a mother. A good lactation expert can usually sort out all breastfeeding issues.

  8. Postpartum depression is real, and affects many mothers worldwide. So, if you feel no connection with the baby or feel an emptiness and a general sadness, don’t worry. Just make sure you seek help and support!

  9. Being a mother is a full-time job but that does not mean you don’t deserve some ‘me’ time. Get someone to help you care for the baby while you put up your feet and relax every once in a while.

  10. Your life is going to change overnight. A baby changes everything. So, whatever you planned for before the baby was born, might not hold true now. If you planned on joining work for example, the timelines could change depending on the real circumstances. Brace yourself for these changes.

Being forewarned is being forearmed. So prepare yourself for all the changes in your life when the baby comes. But, no matter how difficult this initial phase might seem, this too shall pass. And before you know it, this squalling pink bundle will become an inseparable part of your life and someone you will come to love beyond everything else. And when you feel all low and stressed, remember you are a diva. So put on your best outfit and be the goddess you are. Allow us to help you find some gorgeous dresses over here.

So, enjoy the journey and Happy Motherhood! 


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